M502 - Thermal Environment
M502 - Thermal Environment
This course aims to provide you with a sound understanding of the effects of the thermal environment on people, and the means of assessing and controlling the risks associated with thermal stress
How to prepare
Candidates can prepare by self-study, but are recommended to follow appropriate in-company training, University course or other course provided by a reputable training provider.
Learning objectives
On completing this examination successfully, you will be able to:
- Identify sources of thermal stress within the working environment;
- Understand the nature of thermal strain on the body;
- Make an assessment of the thermal environment through appropriate measurement and other means;
- Evaluate the likely risk from exposure to thermal stress;
- Suggest appropriate control approaches for the thermal environment.
There are no prerequisites required for this qualification, however, this course would be suitable for technicians and technologists who conduct measurements and testing in workplaces.