M507 - Health Effects Of Hazardous Substances ONLINE
The M507 course, "Health Effects of Hazardous Substances", is an educational program that introduces students to the principles of toxicology, physiology, and epidemiology. The course covers the main types of harmful effects that can occur when people are exposed to chemical hazards at work, as well as the hazards associated with common hazardous substances.
This course aims to introduce you to the principles of toxicology, physiology and epidemiology. The course will cover the main types of harmful effects to target organs from exposure to chemical hazards at work, and the hazards associated with common hazardous substances.
How to prepare
Candidates can prepare by self-study, but are recommended to follow appropriate in-company training, University course or other course provided by a reputable training provider.
Learning objectives
On completing the examination, you will be able to:
- Provide definitions of commonly used toxicological terms
- Describe the main routes by which hazardous substances can enter the body, and the factors which influence their absorption, distribution, storage and elimination
- Describe the main sources of information on hazardous substances and processes
- Describe the main features of the principal target organs affected by hazardous substances at work, and the factors which influence the degree of harm
- Describe the main routes of exposure and toxic health effects for hazardous substances commonly encountered in the workplace
- Carry out basic interpretation of the results from epidemiological studies
There are no prerequisites required for this qualification, however, candidates for this course are expected to be aware of the contents of the Control of Substances to Health (COSHH) regulations and The Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations (CHIPS) especially with regard to labelling and safety data sheets. This course is suitable for technicians and technologists who conduct measurements and testing in workplaces.
ONLINE requirements
To take part in online courses delegates will need:
To take part in the exam you will need a hard copy of the course manual. You can print this locally, or if UK based, order one at the checkout. Unfortunately we are not able to send manuals internationally at time.
- Internet connection and access to MS TEAMS
- A laptop or desktop computer. Worst case scenario if you don’t have a computer/laptop then use a tablet/iPad.
- A webcam (this may already be built into your device) This is essential for the final examination
- Speakers (these may be built-in) so you can hear the trainer and audio
- Microphone (this might already be built into your computer/laptop) so that you can engage with the class and your trainer Internet connection / WIFI
- Headsets or headphones may be worn during the course but are not permitted during the exam**